Years ago, my kids asked me where my creativity and my courage to try new adventures came from.

Sure, there were social lessons and yes, I figured out some history and math. However, what I didn’t realize till years later, is that this was the time I learned to never give up. Never be afraid of the competition. Never be afraid of the task ahead, because with some preparation, hard work, and perseverance, obstacles are meant to be overcome.

A substantial amount of personal development comes from the lessons learned through sport. 

Years ago, my kids asked me where my creativity and my courage to try new adventures came from.

Sure, there were social lessons and yes, I figured out some history and math. However, what I didn’t realize till years later, is that this was the time I learned to never give up. Never be afraid of the competition. Never be afraid of the task ahead, because with some preparation, hard work, and perseverance, obstacles are meant to be overcome.

A substantial amount of personal development comes from the lessons learned through sport. 

Courage, Resilience, Teamwork, Fairness, Discipline, PerseverancE, Respect of Self and Others, Equality & Inclusion, Social Skills, Hard Work, The Pursuit of Personal Excellence, Work Ethic, Commitment, Perseverance, Humility & Patience, Self-Control, Good Sportsmanship, Team Building, Leadership Skills, Adversity, Competition, Responsibility, Confidence, and Character

Courage, Resilience, Teamwork, Fairness, Discipline, PerseverancE, Respect of Self and Others, Equality & Inclusion, Social Skills, Hard Work, The Pursuit of Personal Excellence, Work Ethic, Commitment, Perseverance, Humility & Patience, Self-Control, Good Sportsmanship, Team Building, Leadership Skills, Adversity, Competition, Responsibility, Confidence, and Character

Being a teen today is complicated. Navigating this age isn’t easy; social media, friends, romances, college,
searching for who they are as a person, and who they want to be as an adult, there is so much to think about.

The portrait is the pillar that expresses the trust you have in who they are.  Show them what we see as parents, friends, and family. 

It tells them you recognize who they have become.

These pictures represent their successes.

The ART is about their brand,
incorporating their personality, interests and all that humanizes YOUR athlete. 

I'm the photographer for the moms and dads who want to celebrate that transition. To capture their experience. To give them a portrait on the wall for family, loved ones, and your athlete to see, affirming who they are and the work they’ve done.

i realized it comes from my lessons learned as an TEEN athlete.

– Capture Your story –

“When you’re in the thick of raising children it’s difficult to notice the little changes that are happening every day. Then one day, you look up from your cup of coffee, and the child that was before you yesterday has transformed into a young adult.” 
- Lauren Tingley -